2023-09-26 9:27 AM
I try to write some user parameters to the non volatile memory of the program like using an EEProm , trying to read or wrote to say memory address 0x08019000 keeps crashing my program and debugger when reading / writing from it.
I see from the memory scan with the debugger that address 0x08019000 did infact get written by luck in one of my many attemps today but still can't read / write to it realy.
Here are the base functions I use:
2023-11-05 10:20 AM
@MikeLemon Did you find away for this, as I'm facing the same issue ?
2023-11-05 12:47 PM
You can try this way.
uint32_t MyData;
MyData = flashReadData(0x08019000);
printf("My Data = %lu\n", MyData);
if (MyData == 55) {
printf("Variable has already been written to\n");
} else {
printf("Was %lu. Now Writing to variable\n", MyData);
uint64_t MyWriteData = 55;
flashWriteData(0x08019000, MyWriteData);
MyData = flashReadData(0x08019000);
printf("My Read Data = %lu\n", MyData);
2023-11-05 3:26 PM
@liaifat85 and what about flashWriteData and flashReadData, are they the same as up or what ?