2018-06-11 07:15 PM
Recently I try to build bootloader. So I need to study about full programmable flash area.
I'm using Jtag and IAR for debug, and STM32F103C8T6 for MCU, which has medium density flash area 0x0800 0000 ~ 0x0801 FFFF. I know that I can download code on specific flash address by redefining linker file.
I succeed to implant a const variable in 0x0801FFFE using __no_init directive and access ether, but I can't download code using JTAG from 0x0801 0000 ~ 0x0801 FFFF.
I thought that It is JTAG failure so I buy another model of JTAG for test, but It isn't working too
is there any limitation for Jtag or MCU for downloading area?
anyone who solve this?
#flash #bootloader #debug #download2018-06-11 08:04 PM
The STM32F103C8T6 is a 64KB FLASH, 20KB RAM in a 48-pin QFP