2020-12-16 10:55 PM
I have STM32F413 Discovery borad and want to implement fatfs in external flash(N25Q128A13EF840F) of EVB.
Do you have any doc or examples code that you can refer to?
2020-12-17 1:59 AM
Hi JLEE.6,
Did you refer to the STM32CubeF4 Firmware package ? under directory: \STM32Cube_FW_F4_\Projects\STM32F413H-Discovery\Applications\FatFs
Best Regards,
2020-12-17 3:17 AM
Thanks for reply.
As you mentioned that there are USB Disk and uSD of Fatfs.
I 'm looking for an example of FATFS running on external flash memory(N25Q128A) connected to the STM32F413 Discovery board.
2020-12-17 5:15 AM
If you have working BSP code to erase, read, and write, then integrate that into the DISKIO layer.
Use 4KB sectors unless you're keen on managing the deblocking.
The NOR Flash erase/write will be SLOW
2020-12-17 5:32 AM
Hi JLEE.6,
Unfortunately, There is no example provided by ST in the Firmware package.
But you can refer to these :
interface external flash to stm32 by fatfs
FATfs on STM32F767 and external Flash
Best Regards,
2020-12-20 5:02 PM
@Ons KOOLI @Community member
Sorry for reply late.
If have any questions, I'll ask you again.
2021-03-01 4:48 AM
Hi JLEE.6,
Can you please mark this question as answered by checking Select as Best.
Best Regards,