2016-07-18 1:39 PM
In STM32CubeMX v4.15.1 arise false warning Clock Configuration for board NUCLEO STM32F411RE
(APB1 peripherial clocks). See screenshot and .ioc file in atachment. #bug #stm32cube2016-07-19 3:08 AM
Following the : the maximum allowed frequency of the APB1 is 50 MHz.I don't have this warning, when I create new project with NUCLEO STM32F411RE.But when I checked your .ioc, the error persist ! Maybe this is due to update an old .ioc.So, try with creation of new project, I think this will resolve your problem.Please let me know if this workaround resolves your issue or you still have this issue.Regards2016-07-19 12:33 PM
Hi, forumstm32
This warning no problem for me. I ignore it. But I hope developers fixed this.I create new project with NUCLEO STM32F411RE without warning too.I dont know why arise this warning after editing my project file.2016-11-02 7:51 AM
Hello Asteroid Jeck,
I want to thank you for your bug report.
This definetely help us to improve our product.
After a deep check into datasheet and reference manual, you are right, the maximum APB bus speed is 50MHz. But when the I2C IP is enabled, this speed is limited to 42MHz. You can refer to page 486 of the reference manual.
It says:
The FREQ bits must be configured with the APB clock frequency value (I2C peripheral
connected to APB). The FREQ field is used by the peripheral to generate data setup and
hold times compliant with the I2C specifications. The minimum allowed frequency is 2 MHz,
the maximum frequency is limited by the maximum APB frequency (42 MHz) and an intrinsic
limitation of 46 MHz.
CubeMx message, and error, is taking this into account.
If you disable the I2C (just for test), you will see that this error will gone.
Hope it clarify cubeMX behave.
Kind Regards