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f_open error 11 (can't find FR_INVALID_DRIVE)

Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2015 at 01:47

My issue is with fatfs in the following code:

retSD = FATFS_LinkDriver(&SD_Driver, SD_Path);

if(retSD == 0)


if(f_mount(&sdcard,(TCHAR const*)SD_Path,1) != FR_OK) //works great







retSD = f_mkfs((TCHAR const*)SD_Path,0,0); //formats just fine, i even took the SD card out and put it in my laptop, formatted 100% ok

if(retSD != FR_OK)






retSD = f_open(&file,''0:test.bin'',(FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE)); //trying to just create a file, i tried with and without 0:, in debug I found that is what SD_Path ends up being, I also tried with and without a / at the end.  I always get error 11!!!

if(retSD != FR_OK)







After stepping through my code for a few hours, I have also found a strange error that occurs in the middle of the f_open below:

if (res == FR_OK) {


res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the file path */

dir = dj.dir;

INIT_BUF(dj) simply calls malloc(size) where size is about 514 (2*some buffer size in ffconf.h)

I certainly have this much memory available...but when it returns the function f_open jumps to the end with a return code error (optimization is off so I can see every step, but this still happens...)

Any pointers?

Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2015 at 01:58

Wow I feel silly, the error is NOT error 11 it's error 0x11, working buffer could not be allocated, I think the issue is that malloc is not working...what should I do (i'm searching as we speak, so I am looking as well, I'll post if I find my solution)

Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2015 at 02:34

Figured it out, I failed to increase the heap and stack sizes (stack size causes hardfaults when there is too much statically allocated stuff, heap size makes malloc not work)


Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2015 at 02:48

I'm so close...I can create the file, but when I try to write to it, I write 0 bytes and get a 

/* Could not allocate a new cluster (disk full) */

error and no bytes are written.

I thought it wrote when I stepped, through, but I was wrong.

Sorry for my spam

Posted on March 02, 2015 at 03:23

Sounds like either it's not reading the FAT structures properly, or failing on the write side.

But so far I have no idea what STM32 this is, or what tool chain.

Keil has stack/heap allocations in startup_stm32xxx.s

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Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2015 at 03:49


sorry about that, this is on keil, I have already increased the size of the stack and heap, which fixes my hard faults, and I am programming an stm32f4xx processor.

I also have a weird new bug, I was trying to match my code as much as possible to the ffconf included from ST as an example, so I configured LFN to be 0 (disabled).  Now I am getting hard faults again!!! how is this possible?  Right now my stack is 0x800 and my heap is 150k


Posted on March 02, 2015 at 04:49

You'd want to understand the cause of the Hard Fault's by using a handler capable of displaying the machine/register states at the fault. Joesph Yiu has published several examples. Randomly guessing the cause isn't one I'd recommend.

Is a 2K stack size sufficient? Hard to say, you could do some static analysis of your code and call tree and understand how much it needs. You could make the stack a lot bigger, and fill it with a recognizable character, then measure the used depth periodically.

It's also important to thoroughly test the SDIO read/write functionality outside of FatFs. The real cause of failure is hard to determine at the f_open/f_close level. You might want to instrument the diskio.c functions, and return status. The DMA has expectation of 32-bit word alignment of it's buffers.

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Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2015 at 05:06


I don't see why 2k would be enough when LFN is enabled and not when it is disabled, I've been stepping through everything and f_open works fine now, it even creates the file, so I know my read/write sdio functions must work, even in 4 bit mode.

Now I am getting errors because I can't allocate a block, it thinks the sd card is full

Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2015 at 05:46

Well increasing stack size to 4k stopped the hard faults from happening, though i have no idea why they would happen when LFN is disabled, perhaps that mode puts a bunch of stuff on the stack,

I also tried reading a file itself that I created on a computer, but that wouldn't read the same why I couldnt write, even though it could open the file/create the file.

So in short, I can read/write to the SD card, but FATfs doesn't want to read and write to files, though it has no problem making them.

any ideas?

Associate II
Posted on March 02, 2015 at 06:14

Figured it out, nothign was wrong at all, my counter for bytes read/read was only 8 bit

I am a fool :(