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example using HAL ETH without LWiP for raw ethernet frames?

Elwood Downey
Associate III
Posted on May 05, 2017 at 22:14

Hello all,

I have been making great progress using CubeMX and HAL for lots of things, now I want to try ethernet. My application is very simple, I only want to send and receive raw ethernet frames -- no UDP or TCP at all. I also prefer not to use LWiP for something so basic. Can anyone point me to an example of raw ethernet frame IO using just HAL? I will be using Nucleo F429ZI.

My requirements:

[ ] send a raw frame (source and destination MAC address, type IP and payload, total less than 1500 bytes)

[ ] receive interrupt upon receipt of a raw ethernet frame

My transactions are slow and simple, I do not even need any buffer queuing.

Thanks for any tips.

#raw-ethernet-frame #stm32f429 #hal