2014-01-13 1:55 PM
Where can I find ethernet driver for the STM3221G-eval board.
I tried extracting the version for STM32F107 from the FreeRTOS demo using uIP, but it seem incompatible with the std library for the STM32F2xx series. The bottom line is I wish to implement TCP/IP w DHCP using uIP on that board and our futre product. Actually, what I'm trying to do is send printf status messages to a browser so that I can monitor the application's progress. I was originally using the LCD, but that stopped working when I started using CAN. Then I used the USART, but that stopped working when I started accessing the SD card :( Thanks for any pointers! Vance #ethernet-stm32f2x7-tcp/ip2014-01-13 4:24 PM
The F207 Design Resource page might be a good place to start.
2014-01-14 5:08 AM
Thank you!
Oddly, I had tried downloading that before but it indicated it was not available. In fact, I had sent note to Freescale concerning that (and two other TCP/IP applications). Work this time. Thanks again, Vance