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Enabling CRC of the SPI to communicate with nRF24L01

Associate II

Hello Dear Friends,
I have successfully established communication between two nRF24L01 modules using a pair of STM32s, without enabling the SPI protocol's CRC feature in CubeMX. However, when I activate the CRC, I encounter issues and the communication is lost.

Could you advise me on how to resolve this issue?


@masoudjalali wrote:

 However, when I activate the CRC, I encounter issues and the communication is lost.

So what "issues", exactly, do you encounter?

What tests/investigations/debugging have you done to find out what's going on?

Is using the STM32's CRC compatible with the nRF24L01 ?

Associate II

well the issue is  ---->  i can't transfer any data from first nRF to second nrf when I Enable the CRC of the SPI.


and about this question       "Is using the STM32's CRC compatible with the nRF24L01"    ..... i have no idea.


@masoudjalali wrote:

 about this question       "Is using the STM32's CRC compatible with the nRF24L01"    ..... i have no idea.

then you need to confirm that! See the nRF datasheet, etc.

Presumably, you need to turn it off while communicating with the nRF itself - reading/writing registers?

And it will make a difference to the length of payload data that you send through the nRF


@masoudjalali wrote:

well the issue is  ---->  i can't transfer any data from first nRF to second nrf when I Enable the CRC of the

So, again, what tests/investigations/debugging have you done to find out what's going on?

Have you looked at what's being sent on the SPI wires - is it still valid for the nRF?


@masoudjalali  , i think you mix up here something .

You cannot switch on SPI feature "CRC" , because the nRF24L01 dont have this .

The nRF24L01 has a option for CRC in its rf-packet-communication protocol , so you can use it, but you have to do exactly same setting in all nRF24L01 , that should communicate. 


So dont use the SPI crc feature , it cannot work here.

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