2017-11-09 8:06 AM
I'm wondering why a different macro definition is used for the stm32f0xx_hal_pcd.h header file of the USB HAL driver than the other HAL drivers. Macro definition of multiple C statements shall be placed within a ''do {} while()'' dummy loop as it is already done for all the HAL drivers except for PCD driver. In the case of HAL_PCD driver, macros are defined using enclosing curly brackets. This may cause some C translation units to not compile. Someone may think that the below line of C code should compile correctly but it will not do to the way the function-like macro is defined.
// This will not compile
if(1==1) PCD_FreeUserBuffer(USB,1,1); else PCD_FreeUserBuffer(USB,1,1);
// HAL_PCDwrong function-like macro definition
#define PCD_FreeUserBuffer(USBx, bEpNum, bDir)\
{\ if ((bDir) == PCD_EP_DBUF_OUT)\ { /* OUT double buffered endpoint */\ PCD_TX_DTOG((USBx), (bEpNum));\ }\ else if ((bDir) == PCD_EP_DBUF_IN)\ { /* IN double buffered endpoint */\ PCD_RX_DTOG((USBx), (bEpNum));\ }\ }// correct function-like macro definition (as used on other HAL driver headers)
#define PCD_FreeUserBuffer(USBx, bEpNum, bDir)\
do {\ if ((bDir) == PCD_EP_DBUF_OUT)\ { /* OUT double buffered endpoint */\ PCD_TX_DTOG((USBx), (bEpNum));\ }\ else if ((bDir) == PCD_EP_DBUF_IN)\ { /* IN double buffered endpoint */\ PCD_RX_DTOG((USBx), (bEpNum));\ }\ } while(0U)Best Regards,