2013-04-25 12:39 PM
I've recently ported the dfu-util for the Android (Gingerbread).Since we erase the chips entirely at the beginning of every target programming, it takes some time to execute the ERASE command (by the way, I could not find in the provided STM32 library the support for MASS ERASE command). So, inside of one of GETSTATUS procedure preceding the erase operation, we'd like to return a proper poll timeout to the host. The problem is that the erase address is not decoded from the GET_STATUS message. I tried to decode it from MAL_Buffer into the Pointer global variable and it didn't work. Then I created a local variable to decode the erase address into and customized MAL_GetStatus procedure.Regards, Vadim #dfu-util-android #dfuse #java #dfu #stm32 #android #stm32-dfu-usb2013-08-27 3:43 AM
Dear Vadim,
You wrote ''I've recently ported the dfu-util for the Android (Gingerbread).''.Is it working well?I am looking for that solution as well. Is there a way which I can have that tool from you?Many thanks,Avihai.AvihaiS@FourierEdu.com2015-02-06 3:18 PM
We just have posted an open-source android app that is able to mass Erase an stm32 and also program it from a dfu file.