2024-11-21 10:18 PM
I am working on an audio application which is to be built on a custom board using STM32H723VG and the X-CUBE-AUDIO-KIT V1.1.1. I have demonstrated a prototype solution using the pre-built AUDIO-KIT binary loaded on the STM32H735G-DK development board and running LiveTune. I would now like to use AUDIO-KIT and create the similar real application for my target board with STM32H723VG.
Being relatively new to the STM32CubeIDE (Version 1.16.00) environment I am unclear how to create a new project using the AUDIO-KIT as a foundation and then altering the BSP for my implementation of the H723. Can someone please point me to documentation or provide assistance for this?
2024-11-22 12:41 AM
Hello @JRies ,
In the X-CUBE-AUDIO package, there are two projects that contain all the audio examples: STM32469I-Discovery and STM32746G-Discovery. You can choose one of these boards as a reference, open the project with Cube IDE, and then port it to your own board.
If you are looking for audio examples for the STM32Cube H7, you can use the STM32H735-DK BSP example. You will find this audio example in the STM32Cube H7 package. Please download the STM32Cube H7 package first, and then you can port the example to your STM32H723.
To access the documentation for the X-CUBE-AUDIO package, please visit the ST.com X-CUBE-AUDIO page and navigate to the "Documentation" section. There, you will find all the essential information about the package: X-CUBE-AUDIO Documentation.