2010-03-11 7:55 AM
copy and run a bootloaderfunction to RAM memory
#activation-internal-bootloader2011-05-17 4:43 AM
I don't know the ride7 toolchain, but the simple internal bootloader can do that.
1) set BOOT0=VCC, BOOT1=GND 2) connect PA9==USART1_TX, PA10==USART1_RX 3) reset the stm32 4) send 0x7F from PC 5) receive ACK from BOOTLOADER Rest can be read in AN2606.2011-05-17 4:43 AM
I guess you needed a little bit different answer:
create such C function in separate file and configure the linker to place the code content of this file into RAM (maybe in RIDE project explorer, maybe by hand-editing the linker file - I don't remember exactly now). Other compilers use something like __ramfunc or #pragma((__section__ = ''.RAM'')) etc. Please look in the GCC documentation for placing code into RAM, it's there, but well hidden ;)