2019-05-28 1:16 PM
I'm testing a code using Nucleo-L476RG and an analog to digital converter. This ADC uses SPI communication and shares its RDY (end of conversion) and DOUT functions on the same pin, that is, after reading the converted data on the pin, it become RDY pin and can drive a external interrupt on microcontroller.
My question is: how can I enable the External Interrupt event on a pin already configurated as MISO of SPI using Cube-MX and HAL?
2019-05-28 9:11 PM
Wonder if it's an AD7193... interrupt buried version.
Yes, you can do EXTI on an alternate function per the reference manual (and I use this in my app).
CubeMX won't help you, HAL won't help you either. You'll have to fix the EXTI registers and GPIO registers after init and create your EXTI interrupt ISR yourself.
The good old times.
2019-05-29 3:54 AM
In fact is an AD7124... incredible why they don't separate these pins ever since.
Thanks a lot for the answer. I had a suspicion that the path would be this.