2020-01-14 01:32 PM
I just wanted to ask for a code example (middleware) for a USB HID keyboard. Currently, there is only a mouse / joystick available. (The situation has not changed from this discussion 3 years back: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkYyRSAV/usb-device-hid-keyboard-example ) . My primary target is STM32F0 / F0.
Thank you,
2020-01-14 11:47 PM
None on the internets?
2020-01-15 12:19 AM
I found some code using different Cube packages versions and custom USB descriptors for various custom applications / modifications of a USB keyboard / mouse combination.
I mean, USB HID is here for a long time and it would be helpful to have a keyboard example working out of the box. Other MCU manufacturers have such examples / application notes and it makes a difference. Having a manufacturer proven code, against some random code found.
By the way, if I was planning to do > 1k pieces of the product, I would go to an 8-bit MCU of another manufacturer anyway.
All I wanted was to ask ST for considering making such example code. I don't have any urgent need of it now, just found a blind spot :)
Thank you,
2020-01-15 02:07 AM
> Having a manufacturer proven code, against some random code found.
And what about the one in the zipfile under Traning materials in https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/support/learning/stm32-education/stm32-moocs/STM32-USB-training.html ? That's certainly from ST...
2020-01-15 04:29 AM
I haven't seen this MOOC, yet. Thank you for the link. Sometimes it is difficult to easily navigate on the website :)
What I proposed was a simple configurator for the CubeMX that could allow to specify a type of USB HID middleware included. A keyboard, a mouse, or a combination of both. Currently there is only mouse/joystick.