2020-04-18 4:12 AM
There is a bug in CubeH7 examples.
Folder: STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.7.0\Projects\NUCLEO-H7A3ZI-Q\Examples_LL\TIM\TIM_PWMOutput
File: main.c
Funkcion: TimerCaptureCompare_Callback()
Instead of "if (LL_TIM_OC_GetCompareCH1(TIM3) > ARR )" should be "if (LL_TIM_OC_GetCompareCH3(TIM3) > ARR )".
Second bug in the same project:
In File stm32h7xx_it.c there is a comment in void TIM3_IRQHandler(void)
"/* Check whether CC1 interrupt is pending */". It slould be "/* Check whether CC3 interrupt is pending */"
2020-04-21 2:27 AM
Hello @JSzem.1 ,
Thank you for your contribution and highlighting this issue.
I raised this internally for correction in the coming release of STM32CubeH7 firmware package.
Best Regards,