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can't use HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA() with IDLE event

Associate III

I am trying to use the HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA function() but the IDLE function don't work.

I call the function here :



/* Extern variables */
extern UART_HandleTypeDef huart4;
extern osEventFlagsId_t comEventHandle;
extern osMessageQueueId_t sensorQueueHandle;
extern osEventFlagsId_t regEventHandle;
extern DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_uart4_rx;

static void modbus_receive_DMA(void) {
  buf_rec = 0; // reset the counter of received bytes in the buffer

  /* Reset pin for receiving data */

  if (HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA(&huart4, nmbs.msg.buf, sizeof(nmbs.msg.buf)) != HAL_OK) {
    log_debug("HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA error");


void HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) {
  if (huart == &huart4) {

void HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint16_t Size) {
  if (huart == &huart4) {
    switch (HAL_UARTEx_GetRxEventType(huart)) {
    case HAL_UART_RXEVENT_IDLE: // when Idle event occurred prior reception has
                                // been completed (nb of received data is lower
                                // than expected one).
      packet_sended = 0;        // clear flag of transmit
      buf_rec = Size;           // set size of received data

      nmbs_error res_poll = nmbs_server_poll(&nmbs);
      if (NMBS_ERROR_NONE != res_poll) {
        // This will probably never happen, since we don't return < 0 in our
        // platform funcs

      // If there was no packet transmission, then we immediately switch to
      // receive mode. Otherwise, this function will trigger an interrupt at the
      // end of DMA packet transmission
      if (!packet_sended)






I have tryed to replace sizeof(nmbs.msg.buf) by 1 or 2 or 3 and it works but not in IDLE mode. So the function HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback works but not in the right way. I have seen on the forum lot of topics with the same problem but I am not able to fix it with my micro..

Do you have any idea ?


Accepted Solutions

Thank you Karl,
The DMA doesn't work since the new STM32G473. I have tried with your example but it is not working with the G473 and the NULL byte. I have gave up, and change to normal UART IT. Thank you for your help.

View solution in original post


Probably you are not handling the half-complete interrupt.

What is sizeof(nmbs.msg.buf)?

How many bytes are you expecting at the IDLE event?

How many bytes does it say are received?

  * @brief Provide Rx Event type that has lead to RxEvent callback execution.
  * @note  When HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_IT() or HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA() API are called, progress
  *        of reception process is provided to application through calls of Rx Event callback (either default one
  *        HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback() or user registered one). As several types of events could occur (IDLE event,
  *        Half Transfer, or Transfer Complete), this function allows to retrieve the Rx Event type that has lead
  *        to Rx Event callback execution.
  * @note  This function is expected to be called within the user implementation of Rx Event Callback,
  *        in order to provide the accurate value :
  *        In Interrupt Mode :
  *           - HAL_UART_RXEVENT_TC : when Reception has been completed (expected nb of data has been received)
  *           - HAL_UART_RXEVENT_IDLE : when Idle event occurred prior reception has been completed (nb of
  *             received data is lower than expected one)
  *        In DMA Mode :
  *           - HAL_UART_RXEVENT_TC : when Reception has been completed (expected nb of data has been received)
  *           - HAL_UART_RXEVENT_HT : when half of expected nb of data has been received
  *           - HAL_UART_RXEVENT_IDLE : when Idle event occurred prior reception has been completed (nb of
  *             received data is lower than expected one).
  *        In DMA mode, RxEvent callback could be called several times;
  *        When DMA is configured in Normal Mode, HT event does not stop Reception process;
  *        When DMA is configured in Circular Mode, HT, TC or IDLE events don't stop Reception process;
  * @PAram  huart UART handle.
  * @retval Rx Event Type (return vale will be a value of @ref UART_RxEvent_Type_Values)
HAL_UART_RxEventTypeTypeDef HAL_UARTEx_GetRxEventType(const UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
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Hello TDK,

I have tried to disabled the IT at the half-complete :


  if (HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA(&huart4, nmbs.msg.buf, sizeof(nmbs.msg.buf)) != HAL_OK) {
    log_debug("HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA error");
__HAL_DMA_DISABLE_IT(&hdma_uart4_rx, DMA_IT_HT);


  but nothing changed
the size of sizeof(nmbs.msg.buf) is 260. I just tested it now with a lenght of 20. Nothing changed.. :


typedef struct nmbs_t {
    struct {
        uint8_t buf[260];
        uint16_t buf_idx;

        uint8_t unit_id;
        uint8_t fc;
        uint16_t transaction_id;
        bool broadcast;
        bool ignored;
    } msg;

    nmbs_callbacks callbacks;

    int32_t byte_timeout_ms;
    int32_t read_timeout_ms;

    nmbs_platform_conf platform;

    uint8_t address_rtu;
    uint8_t dest_address_rtu;
    uint16_t current_tid;
} nmbs_t;


I am expecting (for my current test) 8bytes.

How many bytes does it say are received? I don't know how to check that.


Karl Yamashita

Size is not technically the amount of bytes received, but actually a pointer to where the DMA saved the last byte in the buffer. Size is not zero based, so it starts at 1 and goes up to <size of your buffer>


See this project. This uses a pointer to keep track of the DMA data that is being received.


Don't worry, I won't byte.
TimerCallback tutorial! | UART and DMA Idle tutorial!

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Thanks @Karl Yamashita ,

I have tried with 1, and I could go to the function but not in idle mode.
I have tried with 8, same.. But with 16, it is not working.

In the example you gave me, I don't see my mistake..

I don't know if it is important but the interrupt of the function UART4_IRQHandler(void) works only ones. After one interrupt, I don't have any other interrupt.

Does HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback get called ever? If so, what is the value of Size when it is called?

If not, what flags are causing UART4_IRQHandler to be called? The UART4->SR register should show these immediately after the interrupt is called.

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Dear @TDK ,

The HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback is never called.
But I have something news !!
If I use the register number "3" for the modbus, the function HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback  is called. If I try with "4", it doesn't work.

I think the DMA is not working with my application.




I think the DMA is not working with my application.

This means the application isn't working as expected. Nothing wrong with the DMA at this point.

Unlike a CAN controller that can filter on specific ID's, the UART/DMA just receives bytes as is.

Don't worry, I won't byte.
TimerCallback tutorial! | UART and DMA Idle tutorial!

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Yes @Karl Yamashita , Totally agree with you. But I can't explain the reason why the register has an impact on the callback :(

@Karl Yamashita  If I have a problem with in the trame, does the function is called ? For example, the CRC is not complet.