2020-02-12 5:20 AM
Hi guys,
I did a custom board using an STM32F207ZG.
I can program the MCU using the ST LINK but I don't manage to do it through USB DFU.
I did set the BOOT0 to 1 and BOOT1 to 0, as it is indicated in AN2606 note.
Still, when I plug the USB cable from PC to my board, there isn't any DFU detected on Cube Programmer and nothing change on the peripheral manager. I've tried to reset the board before and after the plugin.
However, when I plug a USB cable from PC to a Nucleo board (which is powered with an other USB cable) with BOOT0 set to 1, I can see "STM32 BOOT LOADER" appears in peripheral manager, and I can program the board using DFU on Cube Programmer.
I think my board hardware connections between the micro-USB port and the MCU are fine, because I can use it to communicate with the PC, once I programmed with the ST LINK.
Is there any difference between my MCU and the Nucleo's one ? Did I miss something ? Is it possible to program my MCU through USB ?
The Nucleo board I'm using is a NUCLEO-F207ZG.
Thank you in advance.
2020-02-12 5:22 AM
The Nucleo board I'm using is a NUCLEO-F207ZG
2020-05-22 5:59 AM
Did you succeed in resolving this issue?