2017-06-08 6:10 PM
My application software needs to use SDRAM memory area of STM32F469I-Discovery board, whose address is 0xC000 0000 - 0CFF FFFF. I set up FMC for SDRAM memory using the sample code in STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.16.0 repository (FMC_SDRAM), and succeeded in R/W accessing SDRAM area BY the PROGRAM.
However, I cannot memory browsing using debugger when break the above sample code. All memory content is allways 0, never can be modified. Other memory area can be browsed as I expected. (ex. SRAM areas)
How can I browse (R/W) SDRAM memory area?
My environment is IDE: CoIDE(ver 2.0.5) +(USB ST-Link)+STM32F469IDiscovery board.
#stm32-coocox-coide-cube2017-06-09 4:59 AM
Use the GDB -
MEM 0xC0000000 0xC4000000 rw