2016-05-06 6:57 AM
Hi ,
I'm trying to Upgrade STM32F4DISCOVERY board firmware using a USB key, likeAN3990.At the USB key I have ''STM32F4-Discovery_MEMS_0x08008000.bin'' renamed to''image.bin''I'am using .dfu and .bin form : #an3990-bootloader-usb-key2016-05-06 7:40 AM
I suspect you'll want to build the code yourself and use a debugger?
You can also add diagnostic output via a serial port or SWV to understand what's going on internally. Try other flash drives, I think the read me alludes to certain drives not working due to their design, etc. ST has historic problems dealing with storage devices >2-4GB2016-05-07 12:21 PM
2016-05-07 5:37 PM
Just skimmed the MSC HOST code, looks to handle block rather than byte offsets, so should work >2GB
Sorry I don't use CooCox