2022-02-20 4:37 AM
2022-02-20 11:15 AM
we are using the SMPS as the schema
2022-02-21 7:19 AM
we did the last idea about the power cycle and it didn't help
2022-02-21 7:20 AM
we need more help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2022-03-12 10:20 PM
we still have the problem and we must get help
the MUC doesn't start to work
it is strange that ST AFE doesn't answer at all
2022-03-13 4:05 AM
Shouldn't VCAP capacitors be 2.2uF each, not 100nF?
Double check PDR_ON expectations.
ST has low participation here, work with an FAE out of your local office directly.
2022-03-13 4:57 AM
we try to all the option
we did add capacitors on the VCAP
we did try to use external VCAP (1.2V or 1.1V) and the same
we must have a ST people may be they have better IDEA
2022-03-13 10:13 PM
We did change the capacitor and it doesn't Help
2022-03-13 10:28 PM
We are still waiting for ATM FAE help
some know if ST people looking for this web
we are in the problem more then 3 weeks
2022-03-15 7:58 AM
yes we are using SMPS
2022-03-15 8:47 AM
Like I said, there's little FAE participation here, they work directly with customer accounts in their own regions. I think we've established they are not going to respond here, so you'll need to use more classical contact methods. Buying from distributors, shake their tree.
Board bring-up tends to be the primary responsibility of the engineering team who designed it. And might require significant due-dillegence work to go over the design again, pin assignment, PCB, PCBA, netlists, etc.
So if understand the current state of things you can program and verify all the boards. This suggest code is running, but not necessarily well, and it likely either running from ROM, or stuck in some while(1) loop. The boards are at least semi functional.
The trick now would be to determine if the code is executing, and how deep it's getting.
The parts will run out of reset, you don't need to set any clocks or plls.
I'd start by adding code at the Reset Handler to set/toggle a GPIO, and then work deeper into the code flow to see how far I can still see signs of life.
Would do it in assembler, and I'd likely try to get a UART up next as a means of reporting status from within. The H7 should run at 64 MHz via HSI, so use that for baud rate computations.