2022-10-21 12:37 AM
We are developing custom board for certain application using STM32F103RB for the first time. In order to program/debug we are planning to use,"STLINK-V3SET debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32". We have gone through schematics of Nucleo - F103RB for reference. Comparing the schematic of Nucleo - F103RB with user manual for STLINK-V3SET, we are having difficulties in matching the pin.
Schematic of Nucleo - F103RB mentions NRST, TCK, TMS, SWO, USART_TX, USART_RX and MCO(Six pins). But the STLINK-V3SET user manual, section 8.1.2 STDC14 (STM32 JTAG/SWD and VCP), table 6 mentions 14 pin.
Kindly let us know the exact pin pairs that are to be connected between STM32F103RB and STLINK-V3SET for programming and debugging.
Also let us know about the use of BOOT0 pin in the controller.
Attached both the documents for your convenience.
Thank you,
2022-10-24 1:14 AM
Nucleo - F103RB have STLINK_V2 inside, no need STLINK-V3SET.
2022-10-24 1:22 AM
I understand that perfectly. I am not going use nulceo board for my project. I am going to develop a new one using the stm32f103rb. Inorder to burn the program I need the pin map that I asked you in the previous post.
Kindly answer that.
2022-10-24 3:45 AM
I have custom board with 103C8.. and I use only two pins, SWCLK and SWDIO. ST link is V2. I can do all operations with MCU (erase, upload, download) and debug. Serial lines are only for virtual serial port, you can use it, but it is not mandatory. Perhaps you can use NRST for work under reset if you need it.
2022-10-24 5:46 AM
The MCO pin of the on-board ST-LINK provides an 8 MHz, or so, crystal based clock. Saves parts.
The production Programmer should need SWDIO, SWCLK, NRST and BOOT0 .
BOOT0 should be pulled low for normal operation. SWO pin may be used for Debug Communication Channel type applications.
Better to read docs than blind copy schematics/design.