2024-08-08 10:30 PM
I have Nucleo-H743ZI2 and Nucleo-U575-Q boards.
I can see that we can upgrade the st-link firmware for STM32 boards via STM32CubeProgrammer, ST-LINK Utility or STSW-Link007 tool. But I have observed that this will always pick up the latest version which is available. How to update to a specific st-link version?
Also, what is the bare minimum st-link firmware version required for Nucleo-H743 and Nucleo-U575 boards to run twister? Is there a dependency for twister on st-link version? Are the st-link versions backwards compatible?
Above image (for H743) shows how I checked the version and updated it via command line. But this seems to pick up a fixed version. It seems that the versions are linked to the STLinkUpgrade.jar file. Is this correct?
2024-08-09 5:46 AM
You can download needed version and install :
You can downgrade also with this way
2024-08-09 5:49 AM
The ST-LINK Utilities are not going to support the newer devices, use STM32 Cube Programmer
2024-08-09 8:41 AM
I don't mean the software version of stsw-link007. I mean the stlink firmware version which is there on STM32 boards. The one which has format as V3J17 etc.
2024-08-09 8:49 AM - edited 2024-08-09 8:58 AM
The newer NUCLEO's have the ST-LINK/V3, its in the STM32F723IEK6 BGA package rather than the 48-pin QFP STM32F103C parts
Say H5 / U5 NUCLEOs, Newer H743ZI2 and H753ZI
2024-08-09 10:00 AM
Thanks for this info but it doesn't answer my original questions. Do you have any idea about them?
2024-08-12 1:55 AM
Minimum ST-LINK FW version for NUCLEO-H743ZI2: V3J2M1 (3.2.1)
Minimum ST-LINK FW version for NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q: V3J7M3 (3.7.3)
But these versions are not available for download anymore.
It is recommended to stick to the latest version.
In theory, the latest version is compatible with the older boards.
2024-08-12 1:56 AM
The version of stsw-link007 is the firmware version but without the letters:
As example: stsw-link007 3.9.3 is ST-LINK firmware version V3J9M3
2024-08-27 11:27 PM
@Mike_ST We upgraded all the H7 boards connected to our agent machines to V3J15M6 version. We are running twister tests on pipeline.
But still, we are getting this error. Locally this error doesn't occur. Any suggestions would be really helpful.