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Unknown type "noos_queue_t" in the mx_wifi driver for B-U585-IOT02A Discovery board

Associate II


I'm willing to use the MXCHIP EMW3080B wireless module on the B-U585I-IOT02A in a project with TrustZone enabled. As there is no tutorial for that, I copied files from the Nx_Network_Basics example.

Unfortunately I get the following error when building the Non-Secure project: unknown type name 'noos_queue_t'


Your help will be much appreciated, thanks!

@Benjamin BARATTE @STea 

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

@SedCore wrote:

I copied files from the Nx_Network_Basics example.

Seems that you omitted to copy the file which defines this type!

You need to go back to the original, and find where it was defined.


Or, perhaps, the definition is there, but is disabled by a #if due to some configuration

In that case, do a text search for  "noos_queue_t" through all the source files (both .c and .h) to find where the definition is, and then see what configuration you need to add/change.

ST Employee

Hello @SedCore ,

It seems to be that you are missing some .h files which could be forgotten or not been copied manually my recommendation is to start your project based on the ioc files config provided in the NX_Network_Basics with the Trustzone activated and the BSP and middleware component assigned to the correct world (secure /non secure) because some of the include files could be referenced in the drivers folder of the repository containing the example and not copied in the project itself so instead of copying you should set the same paths found in that project to get reed of these problems.
Here are the paths that should be set



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my recommendation is to start your project based on the ioc files config provided in the NX_Network_Basics with the Trustzone activated

@STea NX_Network_Basics is by default a project with TrustZone disabled. How to convert it into a project with TrustZone enabled?


Hello @SedCore ,

you cannot convert it to a project with Trustzone enabled you can instead begin a new project with TZ enabled then try to mimic the same configuration found in the other project with the added component of peripherals and middleware assignment to the secure or the non-secure world.


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