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I can't read TS_CAL1 and TS_CAL2 values from STM32L152RBT6 Flash Memory


I am working with the internal temperature sensor and the VREFINT channel on the STM32L1 series. When I attempt to read the TS_CAL1 and TS_CAL2 calibration values from the flash memory, as specified in the reference manual, I either receive 0 or find it impossible to read the values. Additionally, when I access the flash memory, I find no values stored at the specified addresses. Could this be a hardware issue with my MCU, or is there something else I should be considering?


I am currently working with this formula from the reference manual for the STM32L152RBX, which states that calibration values can be found in the flash memory. However, when I access these memory addresses, I do not find any values. I would like to know if using these calibrated values is essential for my calculations or if I can perform my own calculations without this data


I have been using my own calculations to determine the temperature, including calculating TS_CAL1 and TS_CAL2 values. However, I would like to read the TS_CAL1 and TS_CAL2 values directly from the flash memory for better accuracy.



When I try to read the VREFINT_CAL values from the flash memory, as recommended in the reference manual, the memory locations return 0.I would appreciate any help or advice on this matter.



Hello ,
I think you're pointing to the wrong adress 0x1FFF0078 instead of pointing to 0x1FFF007B .