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STM32L4Q5VGT6P elf loader file not accessible error in st link utility

Associate II

I am facing elf file not accessible error in st link utility. Using STM32L4Q5VGT6P but in IAR i am able to program and debug. But in st link this error popping up. Please suggest a solution thanks.


Use STM32 Cube Programmer?

Check if it has a loader for the core?​

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Associate II

Thanks for the reply. STM32 Cube programmer is not detecting st-link

Is some other application attached to or using the ST-LINK?

Authentic ST-LINK?

Current drivers?

Custom board?

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ST-LINK SN : B55B5A1A00000000F945F301
ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J43S7
Connected via SWD.
SWD Frequency = 4000K.
Target voltage = 3.3 V.
Connection mode : Normal.
Device ID:0x467
Device family :Unknown device

Full chip erase...
Read out protection is activated

Loading file...
Flash Programming:
File : C:\Users\ATPL_3\Desktop\SMC_01.01.15 Firmware\SMC_01.01.15 Sample66Star.hex
Address : 0x08000000
Disabling read out protection...
Read out protection is activated.
It will be disabled.
Could not disable Read Out Protection!
Memory programming...
±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± 0%
The elf loader file is not accessible.

MCU Reset.

Getting this error while flashing the hex.

The ST-LINK Utilities have been deprecated for MANY YEARS, that the L4+ isn't supported is probably not a revelation.

Also the firmware for the ST-LINK is strongly indicative of needing STM32 Cube Programmer

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