2022-04-06 06:35 AM
I designed and assembled a simple circuit around the STM32G0B1KET and after connecting my ST-link it does not seem to "boot". My circuit looks like this:
Additionally, there is a red LED through a 330Ohm resistor connected to 3.3v
I am powering from the stlink device for now, but the design has a voltage regulator. But I've only assembled these critical components to make sure it would work - and it doesn't.
I've followed the datasheet with regards to the loading capacitors:
on this MCPU there aren't specific pins for VREF, VDDIO, or VBAT.
Did I miss something somewhere?
2022-04-06 08:12 AM
By "boot" you mean
a) cannot connect ST-LINK debugger on a virgin chip
b) after successful programming via ST-LINK, doesn't boot from flash
c) ???
2022-04-06 08:16 AM
ST-link on a virgin chip does not detect the chip. The ST-Link utility claims it cannot connect to target.
2022-04-06 09:27 AM
ST-LINK Utility is OLD, might not support G0, use STM32 Cube Programmer.
For an authentic/classic ST-LINK/V2, make sure target voltage is supplied to pin 1 or 2 of the 20-pin header.
Connect a 1-4 MHz SWD clocking, the CM0(+) devices typically don't like high MHz rates.
If still not capable of detecting, check part orientation and power.
Check the state of the NRST line in nominal power condition.
2022-04-06 10:38 AM
in addition: You have PA9 PA10 connected to UART. If you can connect it to a PC serial port, STM32CubeProgrammer may connet to the chip via UART (system memory boot loader) and you are able to change option bytes, prog. the chip etc..
2022-04-06 11:10 AM
Thanks everyone. So, good news and bad news.
First, my problem wasn't with my circuit or assembly. A couple days ago my STLink V2 programmer died (the little usb ones), and I overnighted a new one. However, I could not get it to work either. Finally after fighting with it, I was able to upgrade it and program the processor! A secondary problem I was having is that Keil would not program the processor, so I thought it wasn't working. I instead, created the project with stm32CubeIDE, and successfully programmed.
I have an STLink V2 (ISOL) but I haven't used it and I can't tell which pins I should use yet.
@KnarfB I did not know that. I will absolutely try it though for the experience. Thanks!