2022-03-07 6:30 AM
I'm making my ESC products in batches, after I downloaded the program for the chip, I tested the finished product and found that a lot of chips didn't work, so I downloaded the program again for the chip, but the download failed, I checked the voltage And it is normal, the chip is not hot, I think maybe the chip is locked, I want to know how to unlock it, the downloader I use is ST-LINK-V2, and the programming software is ST-lINK Utility, thank you.
2022-03-07 7:11 AM
What error message do you get in STM32CubeProgrammer? If you could download it one time, should be able to again, unless you messed up RDP settings. You may need to reset with BOOT0 high or "connect under reset" to avoid the user program doing things.
2022-03-14 6:25 AM
Hi @jzhan,
As mentioned by @TDK ,we can try to unlock this chips by using STM32Cuprogrammer 2.10.0 and doing some trials :
Please test and tell me if this can helps you.?