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STM32F429I-DISC1 BSP Question


im looking in the bsp folder for the stm32f429i-disc in the stm32cube_fw_f4 folder and i see a file stm32f429i-discovery_eeprom.c why is this here as i dont believe there is a eeprom on this board 


All of the ST source files are well commented. Here it what the file says it does:

  * @file    stm32f429i_discovery_eeprom.c
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   This file provides a set of functions needed to manage an I2C M24LR64
  *          EEPROM memory.
  *          To be able to use this driver, the switch EE_M24LR64 must be defined
  *          in your toolchain compiler preprocessor
  *          ===================================================================
  *          Notes:
  *           - This driver is intended for STM32F4xx families devices only.
  *           - The I2C EEPROM memory (M24LR64) is available on separate daughter
  *             board ANT7-M24LR-A, which is not provided with the STM32F429I
  *             DISCOVERY board.
  *             To use this driver you have to connect the ANT7-M24LR-A to CN3
  *             connector of STM32F429I DISCOVERY board.
  *          ===================================================================


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