2016-08-01 10:12 AM
The STM32F0Discovery (board MB1034B) has a connection between the STM32F103 used for the STLINK and USART1 of the STM32F051. It seems like this connection is intended for use as a USART comm port between the STLINK and the F0 processor.
Is there a version of the STLINK firmware that enables this link? I downloaded the latest STLINK firmware from ST-LINK v3.8.0 (reported to be V2.J25.S0 STM32 Debugger) but I don't have a COMM port assigned to the ST-LINK.(Yes, I have shorted SB14 and SB15 so as to physically connect the signals to the STM32F103) #stlink-stm32f0discovery-vcp2016-08-01 11:17 AM
This functionality is not supported on your board.
The boards supporting the VCP and mbed have a higher grade F103 part, and the update tool contains different firmwares for the assorted models. Some of the DISCO boards have been reissued as DISC1 models that support mbed.