2016-11-10 6:59 AM
Is there a way to get the STLink Command Line utility to connect to the target and stay connected?
If I issue the -C (Connect) command, it does connect - but then immediately disconnects & exits back to the Windows command prompt.How do I get it tostay
connected - so that I can enter further commands interactively?Is it possible? #stlink-st-link2016-11-15 4:40 AM
- The [HOTPLUG] option allows to connect to the target without halt or reset.For more details, refer to the in the ''STM32 ST-LINK utility command line interface (CLI)'' section.Regards2016-11-15 5:48 AM
Sorry, that's not what I was asking at all.
I'm talking about having the Command-Line interface remain connected to the target.But ST Support confirms this is not possible: the CLI will just execute one command, and then disconnect form the Target.But they did add:you can chain the commands in the same command line and add -pause in between to request user to proceed for next command.
I haven't tried that - I managed to achieve what I want using OpenOCD ...