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ST25R95 doesn't work - Custom implementation, connected too NUCLEO-F413ZH


Hello, I am trying to operate NFC IC ST25R95 on a custom board. But I can't get any answers. I attached a logic analyzer. To validate the circuit, I connected the SPI lines to a Nucleo-f413zh and ran the example code from the X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1 library, and again, no responses. Does anyone know how to proceed?

The circuit photo is attached. The connections to Nucleo-f413zh are the same of X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1.


>>The connections to Nucleo-f413zh are the same

Yes, please illustrate that.. and the initialization code for them

Especially the common GND, and how this is being powered

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The connection is made according to figure 2 of the X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1 pdf. Considering the Arduino header, SPI_SCK on D13, SPI_MISO on D12, SPI_MOSI on D11, SPI_CS on D10, IRQ_IN on D8 and IRQ_OUT on D2.
Connections to the custom board are made through wires soldered to test points on the SPI lines. The board is powered by 5v and gnd coming from the Nucleo-f413zh.

The custom board has firmware that does not affect the spi lines or IRQ_IN and IRQ_OUT .