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ST-Link v3 Mini with STM32CubeIDE

Associate II


I am using STM32CUBEIDE on macOS. Until now I used my ST-Link v2 via SWD with no problems. I have recently upgraded to an ST-Link v3 MINI and implemented the STDC14 connector on my custom pcbs. The pinout is according to the datasheet (the pins on the ST-Link are numbered and DIO is 4, CLK 6 and so on..)

however: when I open STM32CUBEIDE it recognizes the st-link but when I hit run or debug, it will return "no target found". When I disconnect the ST-Link v3 and connect my st-link v2 I am able to flash the board with no problems.

the ST-Link v3 MINI led is always red during this process.

Does anybody have a clue on how to handle this? I also did not manage to use the drag&drop function...


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

A good point would be to check how does it behave with STM32CubeProgrammer tool. If there are problems detecting STM32 device, it may be linked to wrong pinout. This would eliminate potential issue linked to CubeIDE as mentioned by Markus.

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello there!

A few questions so I can get a better understanding of the issue.

What version of macOS are you using?

We recently found an issue where the first time a launch happens on macOS it can get this error but a second launch works. Any chance it's the same for you?

Are you using the ST-Link GDB Server? Could you send me the gdb server log? You can activate it in your debug configuration.

ST Employee

A good point would be to check how does it behave with STM32CubeProgrammer tool. If there are problems detecting STM32 device, it may be linked to wrong pinout. This would eliminate potential issue linked to CubeIDE as mentioned by Markus.

ST Employee


I have an STLink V3 Mini and it is working fine on a Nucleo G491RE.

You can try If you have a recent Nucleo that have an external 10 pins Debug Connector,

You must set the supply jumper to 5V_charger and set the jumper JP1 to Reset the embedded STLink next to the STLink USB connector.

If you don't have other board to try, you can check what pins are mandatory to connect from the Nucleo's board schematic.

The flat cable is using only the 10 pins in the center for Nucleo. (V3 mini has a 14 pins flat cable).



Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Does your target stay long in WFI? StlinkV3 is very bad at connecting to such targets. Did you try to connect under reset (if reset is connected)?

How do I check if it stays long in WFI?

I have connect under reset enabled in the debug configuration in STM32CubeIDE

with STM32CubeProgrammer I am able to read out the memory.

I click connect, then everything shows up, device name seems correct etc. but after a couple of seconds the ST-Link gets disconnected: macOS gives a warning that I have disconnected the ST-Link without ejecting it and CubeProgrammer says "Warning: Connection to device 0x417 is lost"

This is the log:

12:39:35 : ST-LINK SN  : 0015003A3156501620323443
  12:39:35 : ST-LINK FW  : V3J7M3
  12:39:35 : Board       : STLINK-V3MINI
  12:39:35 : Voltage     : 3.44V
  12:39:35 : ST-LINK error (DEV_CONNECT_ERR)
  12:39:35 : ST-LINK SN  : 0015003A3156501620323443
  12:39:35 : ST-LINK FW  : V3J7M3
  12:39:35 : Board       : STLINK-V3MINI
  12:39:35 : Voltage     : 3.47V
  12:39:35 : SWD freq    : 8000 KHz
  12:39:35 : Connect mode: Normal
  12:39:35 : Reset mode  : Software reset
  12:39:35 : Device ID   : 0x417
  12:39:35 : Revision ID : Rev X
  12:39:35 :   Bank          : 0x00
  12:39:35 :   Address       : 0x4002201c
  12:39:35 :   Size          : 104 Bytes
  12:39:35 :   Bank          : 0x01
  12:39:35 :   Address       : 0x1ff80000
  12:39:35 :   Size          : 20 Bytes
  12:39:35 : UPLOADING ...
  12:39:35 :   Size          : 1024 Bytes
  12:39:35 :   Address       : 0x8000000
  12:39:35 : Read progress:
  12:39:35 : Data read successfully
  12:39:35 : Time elapsed during the read operation is: 00:00:00.004
  12:40:06 : Error: Unable to get core ID
  12:40:06 : Error: Unable to get core ID
  12:40:06 : Warning: Connection to device 0x417 is lost
  12:40:08 : Disconnected from device.

UPDATE 1: After the third time it does not disconnect anymore.. strange.. 


Okay so upon comparing the two logs, I saw that CubeProgrammer is running at 8kHz while CubeIDE (set to auto) was trying 24kHz, I set it to 8 kHz and now it seems to work!

Sadly, I don't have another board. The necessary pins are connect (STM32CubeProgrammer works, see answer above)

No, it does not work on the next launches either..

I am using macOS Mojave 10.14.6 with STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.6.1 Build: 9958_20210326_1446 (UTC).

STM32CubeProgrammer is version 2.6.0 (Which seems to work, see my reply in answer below)

This is the gdb server log:

[0.000] initConfigParams():  Configuration flags start
[0.000] initConfigParams():   external-init                  false
[0.000] initConfigParams():   pend-halt-timeout              (null)
[0.000] initConfigParams():   halt                           false
[0.000] initConfigParams():   config-file                    ""
[0.000] initConfigParams():   persistent                     false
[0.000] initConfigParams():  +log-file                       "/Users/linus/STM32IDE/bikelights2/Debug/st-link_gdbserver_log.txt"
[0.000] initConfigParams():  +log-level                      31
[0.000] initConfigParams():  +port-number                    61234
[0.000] initConfigParams():  +verbose                        true
[0.000] initConfigParams():   refresh-delay                  15
[0.000] initConfigParams():  +verify                         true
[0.000] initConfigParams():  +swd                            true
[0.000] initConfigParams():   swo-port                       61234
[0.000] initConfigParams():   cpu-clock                      8000000
[0.000] initConfigParams():   swo-clock-div                  128
[0.000] initConfigParams():  +initialize-reset               true
[0.001] initConfigParams():   debuggers                      false
[0.001] initConfigParams():  +serial-number                  "0015003A3156501620323443"
[0.001] initConfigParams():  +apid                           0
[0.001] initConfigParams():   attach                         false
[0.001] initConfigParams():   shared                         false
[0.001] initConfigParams():   erase-all                      false
[0.001] initConfigParams():   memory-map                     ""
[0.001] initConfigParams():   ext-memory-loaders             false
[0.001] initConfigParams():   extload                        ""
[0.001] initConfigParams():  +stm32cubeprogrammer-path       "/Applications/"
[0.001] initConfigParams():   temp-path                      ""
[0.001] initConfigParams():   preserve-temps                 false
[0.001] initConfigParams():   frequency                      -1
[0.001] initConfigParams():   licenses                       false
[0.001] initConfigParams():   ignore-rest                    false
[0.001] initConfigParams():   version                        false
[0.001] initConfigParams():   help                           false
[0.001] initConfigParams():  Configuration flags end
[0.001] init():  STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.8.0
Copyright (c) 2020, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
[0.007] Device_Initialise():  Target connection mode: Under reset
[0.018] readFromTarget():  Reading ROM table for AP 0 @0xf0000fd0
[0.022] reset_hw_wtchpt_module():  Hardware watchpoint supported by the target 
[0.025] Device_Initialise():  COM frequency = 24000 kHz
[0.025] Device_Initialise():  ST-LINK Firmware version : V3J7M3
[0.025] Device_Initialise():  Device ID: 0x417
[0.025] Device_Initialise():  PC: 0x0
[0.025] Device_Initialise():  ST-LINK Failed to get target status
[0.026] initServerContext():  
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: [0.026] initServerContext():  Unknown. Please check power and cabling to target.


Okay so upon comparing the two logs, I saw that CubeProgrammer is running at 8kHz while CubeIDE (set to auto) was trying 24kHz, I set it to 8 kHz and now it seems to work!