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ST-Link Utility can't connect to STM32F405 after enabled write protection on 2 sectors

Senior II

I am working with the STM32F405 microcontroller and I used ST-Link Utility to enable write protection on sectors 10 and 11 and after that I can no longer connect to it. Does anybody have any advice on how I can solve this?

Senior II

I just tried with STM32CubeProgrammer and when I try to connect I get the following error message: Error: ST-LINK error (DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET).

Senior II

If I use STM32CubeProgrammer and select "Hot plug" then I can connect, but as soon as I try to change option bytes then it hangs and if I try to download firmware then it complains that it can't erase the memory.

Senior II

If I select "Hot Plug", then I can connect with ST-Link Utility as well and it detects the Device ID and the revision ID, but it says the flash size is unknown. If I try to download firmware into my microcontroller, then it says it's read protected and asks if I want to disable read protection. I click ok and then it says "Could not disable Read Out Protection!". If I read the Option Bytes, then they all seem to be zero.

Senior II

The microcontroller is powered with 1.9 Volts, if that matters

Senior II

So, after further investigations it turned out that I also changed the BOR-level when I write protected the sectors. Now the supply voltage is 1.9 Volts, but the BOR-level is set higher so the BOR will keep resetting the microcontroller. Is there a way to solve this? Also, does STM guarantee that the option bytes are certain default values after production? I can't find anything about option bytes default values in the reference manual or datasheet.

Senior II

Also, is it possible to change the title of this thread? The problem has nothing to do with write protection, it's related to BOR-level being higher than supply voltage.

Associate II

I've got the same message for my STM32F103C8T6 board, when I try to connect with STM utility it shows "core is held in reset" ... I really can't find any solution for this, guess I'm changing my dev board

Chief II

Set the debugger in "Connect Under Reset" mode.