2023-10-16 9:07 AM
I want to inquire the read write speed maximum by sdio.
I want to apply to 8000*4byte per second, is that possible or not?
If I use FRAM could I achieve this requirement?
Thank you
Board: STM32L496G-DISCO
2023-10-16 9:13 AM
32KB/s with SDIO/SDMMC should be within reach. Similarly QSPI
Write in larger blocks, multiples of 512 byte sectors, not as small odd byte counts, ie not 8000 individual 4-byte f_write()s
2023-10-17 7:46 PM
SDIO/SD interface speed is much higher than 8000*4byte per second.
Real read test with STM32 and SD card (SD card -> STM32 RAM buffer) can reach 5MB/s or more, conditions: 100M clock/4-bit mode. FRAM is fast, it will not be the bottleneck.