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SD card issue in SDIO peripheral in Stm32f407VET6 Black Board

Associate II

hi, community!

I need to use SDIO integrated into Stm32f407VET6 BlackBoard I followed two videos on youtube and always gave me the same problem  res=f_mount(&fs,"",1); always gives me FR_NOT_READY I asked Gemini and he told me to change it to   res=f_mount(&fs,"",0); when I change it the function return FR_OK but the rest of the functions not work like  f_write f_read are return FR_NOT_READY

I found someone in stack overflow has the same problem but without solution

I hope you can help me


videos I followed : 

STM32F4 Discovery board - Keil 5 IDE with CubeMX: Tutorial 22 SD Card SDIO 4 Bits + DMA - YouTube

SD card using SDIO in STM32 || Uart RIng buffer || 4-Bit Mode || CubeMx - YouTube

stack overflow question:

stm32 - SD card issue in SDIO peripheral in Stm32f407VET6 Black Board - Stack Overflow

thank you


Need to debug at the DISKIO level. Is it failing due to a Card Detect pin on the socket?

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I think you are talking about an external module. if I'm wrong tell me,

I'm using the SD card integrated into stm32 Blackboard 


One of the main reasons for FR_NOT_READY is not implementing the card detect switch on the SD Card socket, or handling it improperly. It's going to be a GPIO, checked in DISKIO.c layer.

You're not going to be able to debug FatFs via top-level code and errors. You're going to need to debug the DISKIO and SDIO layers. Would suggest instrumenting (messages to a terminal) so you understand what's happening and failing.

Don't write or format cards until you have reading working flawlessly. The cards come formatted, so should rarely, if ever, need f_mkfs()

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