2024-10-15 2:23 AM
I am currently controlling a Fluke serial device over RS232 from a laptop and python script. I simply send requests for information which is returned and logged in my laptop. I'm using a Startech RS232 to USB lead incorporating the Prolific - PL2303RA chipset.
This is a simple setup but obviously requires a laptop to function so I have moved to an STM32F7 board in an attempt to separate from the PC.
I'm writing the same command from the ST board as I was sending from Python, from UART to a Seeed RS232 adapter. Scoping signals at this point shows them to be ok, whilst not connected to any serial device, yellow being UART and blue, RS232.
However, once I connect to my Fluke device the signals are corrupted to the point if illegibility:
I have reproduced the behaviour using a second UART -> RS232 interface and also switched out the Fluke device for another one from a different manufacturer, but no change in behaviour.
The Seeed interface can be found at 103990363 Seeed Studio | Mouser United Kingdom and uses the MAX3232 chip, whilst the Mikroe one is at MIKROE-222 Mikroe | Mouser United Kingdom and uses the MAX232 chip. There is a slight difference with how they arrange the capacitors which has some affect on their behaviour.
I'd appreciate any input regarding overcoming this final step of connecting to a serial device as I have hit a wall. Happy to supply any further information that may help find a solution.
Many thanks
2024-10-15 2:36 AM
Do you have a good ground connection between your SMT32 board, adaptor, and the Fluke?
Please show a schematic.
Some good, clear photos may also help.
Any specifications for the "Fluke serial device" ?
2024-10-15 3:27 AM
Hi Andrew
Thanks for getting back so quickly, I am utilising UART5 as highlighted below and taking 5V and GDN to the Seeed board. Grounding is commoned up from the STM32 through the Seeed interface and into the serial leads, I believe it is sufficient. Any scoping has been done with connection to this ground.
I hope the image below is sufficient to show what I am doing, I'm using a serial splitter to scope the output of the RS232 interface.
The Fluke device is a 6102 micro bath, I have no definitive spec of it's internals unfortunately beyond a reply from their technical support saying they use roughly 2µF capacitors in relation to their MAX232 serial setup.
The Seeed chip uses 0.1µF, could this potentially be an issue?
2024-10-21 4:04 AM
Hi Andrew
Do you need any further information regarding my question, unfortunately I cannot get anymore useful info regarding the Fluke 6102. The other unit I have tried, which behaves in almost the same way is a WIKA CPC 2000, I am trying to get further tech specs on that.
Best regards
2024-10-21 4:23 AM
@IPrin.1 wrote:Grounding is commoned up from the STM32 through the Seeed interface and into the serial leads, I believe it is sufficient
So how does that differ from the working case with the laptop?
2024-10-23 12:28 AM
Apologies for not responding yesterday I was away from work.
The grounding is the same between both cases, all USB leads are grounded correctly, as is the RS232 - USB adapter in the working case. This is the same for the non-working case, grounding is continous through the leads, ST boards and serial leads.
2024-10-23 12:29 AM
I'm out of ideas, then.
2024-10-23 12:36 AM
No problem, thanks for looking into this. If I find a solution I will post it here.