2018-06-25 4:31 AM
The stm32f4 discovery board I am using has read out protection enabled, and I can't deactivate it.
First of all, it is impossible for me to set read out protection, as the attached screenshot shows, the apply button for option bytes is off-screen and I can't seem to zoom out or do anything with it.
I certainly didn't set the read out protection to level 1 - it was working fine, and then I unplugged it, and plugged it in about two hours later, and the board simply isn't working. The program isn't running anymore (the USART and SPI should be running, but it isn't).
I think I should mention that a UA741 in an attached circuit caught fire before I disconnected the circuit, but it seemed to be working fine until I disconnected it. The only link between the circuits was a shared ground.
On Keil uVision 5, I get the error 'Flash timeout. reset the target and try again' when I try a flash download.
On the ST Link utility, I get 'Cannot read flash memory! Disable read out protection and retry' when trying to connect to the target.
A possible solution I found online was to set the read out protection to level 0, but that appears impossible.
Any ideas about how I can resolve this?
Thank you in advance.
#stlink #read-out-protection #stm32f4-disovery2018-06-25 6:06 AM
Probably fried the board or chip.
Check the voltages on the chip side supply, and the voltage on the VCAP capacitors.
There is a schematic in the manual.
Try with a substitute board.
2018-06-25 10:47 PM
Vcap1 and Vcap 2 are at a steady 1.19V. The voltages on the chip seem normal (about 2.8V on the 3V, about 4.8V on the 5V and about 2.9V on Vdd).
2018-06-27 2:48 AM
Update: No such problem with a new board. I suppose the old one is fried.
2018-06-27 6:29 PM
Yes, May be your device is damaged and you need to replace it. If device is always protected level1 and can not be changed that means the startup is not happening correctly and flash may be damaged.
2018-06-28 1:57 AM
The same thing happened with the new board as well. Now it's also at level 1 and effectively dead.
2018-06-28 3:49 AM
That behavior is not normal. please check your power supplies and If a wrong operation or connection is done for Power supplies pads : VDDs, VDDA, VREF, and VCAPs.