2021-02-21 2:48 PM
I'v just started working with some STM32F303Discovery boards to explore ideas for a high school physical computing class. The boards are brand new stock from Mouser
I'm trying to get ITM messages and so far I'm striking out. I'm using OpenOCD on macOs with itmdump and doing a simple panic from Rust. No joy. The SB10 pads appear to be bridged.
I'd appreciate debugging / troubleshooting ideas.
2021-02-21 3:15 PM
Try with the ST-LINK utilities, it has an SWV window. Make sure the speed matches what you're running the processor at, presumably 72 MHz, but needs to be correct/consistent.
2021-02-21 5:55 PM
Do you mean the official version of ST-LINK? I'm using macOS and looking around, all I've found is a Windows version. There is also an open-source implementation on GitHub that I could install via Homebrew (or compile). For whatever it might be worth, I'm able to build, load, and do basic debugging using the "standard" Rust toolchain with GDB, and OpenOCD. But the ITM debug messages aren't working.
2021-02-21 10:54 PM
> doing a simple panic from Rust
Why do you think this gives what you want, whatever either of those mean?
By ITM output, you mean some debug information output through SWO pin? Do you see expected signaling on that pin using oscilloscope/LA? How did you set it up in GPIO and debug? If in doubt, read out content of relevant regiters and check.