2021-05-13 7:45 AM
Is there, by any chance, a substitution for the white LED power supply for large display blacklight used in the STM32H45I-DISCO LCD schematic ?
The product have 0 stock everywhere and will be available in 20 weeks. I can't wait that long to test my prototype...
Thanks for your help,
2021-05-14 12:32 AM
so - take other chip...i.e. mouser has LT3491EDC , White LED Driver , 4500 in stock.
2021-05-14 5:30 AM
I know that I can take an other chip, but I didn't found something that was almost the same. I searched on Mouser, but I can't seem to find the right component. The chip you said: LT3491EDC is exactly what I need. Thanks !