2024-12-16 09:08 AM
I am trying to communicate with ADS1115 using Seeed Studio's LoRa Wio E5 mini in the I2C2 peripheral to which PA15 and PB15 are connected. It doesn't work and I am able to see nothing on my logic analyzer. SCL stays high and SCL stays low with no data at all in the bus. I have enabled pull up resistors for the I2C pins in my Wio E5 mini using CubeMX. I am using Seeed Studio LoRaWan for the LoRaWan stack to connect to my TTN network and without the I2C master transmit or device ready commands the demo code runs well and I receive the dummy data at TTN side. If I include any master transmit or any command related to I2C the code gets stuck at MX_LoRaWAN_Init().