2019-12-14 7:48 PM
2019-12-16 12:39 AM
Hi @WWils.1
Please confirm you are talking about STSW-LINK004 ( STLink Utility).
You tag the post STM32 MPUs, do you really want to address STM32MP1 familly ?
Note that ST-Link Utility is of no use for this familly chip, you have to use STM32CubeProgrammer.
2019-12-16 10:39 AM
Thanks for your response. I'm sorry that I addressed the wrong family. Please excuse my ignorance. Yes, I'm talking about STSW-LINK004 (STLink Utility). I'm trying to load a boot loader into a 'Bluepill' to use the USB interface. I have attempted a number of times with several different downloads on two different computers. The install looks like it is working OK, but the only things loaded to the computer are the DOCS and the Release notes. The Utility executable is not installed!
2019-12-18 3:29 AM
Hi @WWils.1 ,
I suggest you switch to CubrProgrammer as it supports new devices.If you still want to install the stlink utility I can debug your problem with you (STSW-LINK004 verified OK on Windows7).