2017-07-11 09:24 AM
hello dear forum,
I bought a win10 laptop
where I tried to connect st-link/v2 adaptor
I downloaded stsw-link009 package and tried to install
however I get the message
'you have to run 64bit version of DPInst.exe on this computer'
I couldnot find this version in internet
how to proceed ?
please advice
thank you
#st-link #win102018-03-23 02:31 AM
Thank you all, for sharing the previous posts
In my case it was an inference with the Antivirus Software (corporative) and I had to disable it (surprinsingly , not the rest of the guys of my team making the same instalation, behavoural protection? )
After failed running the .bat file stlink_winusb_install.bat, finally I got it, running directly 'dpinst_amd64'