2017-07-02 01:59 AM
Thank you for your patronage.
I'm Japanese.
I connected ST-Link / V2 as shown below.
However, an error was displayed as shown in the figure below. I translate this into English.
�Fatal error : ST-Link: Failed to identify the target MCU. Please check the selected hardware and interface. Session aborted.''
2017-07-02 02:26 AM
1. The nucleo board has build-in ST-LINK v2-1. Have you tried it?
2. According to the nucleo manual CN2 jumper connects the build-in ST-LINK to the target MCU.
HAve you removed CN2 to avoid interaction of the external ST-LINK with build-in ST-LINK?
2017-07-02 03:12 AM
Ad 1. I am not able to conclude: does the original build-in ST-LINK work fine?
3. Is the ST-LINK firmware up to date? Have you compared the build-in ST-LINK firmware version with the external one? Just run ST-LINK utility to see the firmware version.
4. I assume that the hw connections are correct (at least I believe that you have verified them).
2017-07-02 05:06 AM
Thank you for your reply.
1. Yes. I tried. I want to use an external ST-Link because I am going to make a new circuit. The new circuit does not have In-circuit debugger. So I want to debug Nucleo as an exercise with an external ST-Link.
2.Yes. I removed CN2 jumper connects. But the same error appeared.
2017-07-02 05:23 AM
Also you need to power your Nucleo board from external power source. Original ST-LINK programmer don't have a power on the VAPP pin. It's why I using Chinise ST-LINK programmers, it's smaller, has +5V and +3.3V pins , look like a USB-Flash and tha main things it's cost about $2USD.
2017-07-02 06:32 AM
Thank you for your reply.
I'm sorry for my poor English.
I think
Original ST-LINK programmer have a power on the VAPP pin.
The photo above is Original ST-LINK programmer.
Here is part of Original ST-LINK programmer manual. According to this, there is a VAPP pin.
2017-07-02 06:39 AM
I believe that you have verified the voltage supplied to the target MCU.
2017-07-02 07:04 AM
To my understanding, the stlink monitors the application vdd, and refrain from being an applucation supply voltage.
2017-07-02 08:18 AM
I'm very happy to reply because I am in great trouble.
1. Yes. T
he original build-in ST-LINK work fine.
3. I upgrade ST-Link.
But the same error appeared.
The photo above is Nucleo ST-Link version
The photo above is External ST-Link version.
4. Thank you very much.
2017-07-02 08:30 AM
Thank you everybody.
I'm sorry. I noticed that VAPP voltage is 1.5V. My target MCU supplied voltage is 3.3V.
So I changed it as below.
But an error in the figure below appears.
I translate this into English. ?
Failed to load the flash loader.''