2020-01-06 8:12 AM
I bought STM32F446 Sensor board ( Mezzanine Board ) .
but I don't know how this device use.
I use an IAR.
If I connect Micro usb connector and download code, It shows me a fatal error message (ST Link, No device found).
I found to standalone mode at web site https://github.com/96boards/documentation/blob/master/mezzanine/stm32/guides/advanced-guides/stand-alone.md
Is this right?
Really I just connect to JP4 and JP5 ? then It works other MCU? like Nucleo Board F103RE
or Is there any other way to use this device like other MCUs?
plz help me
2020-01-06 8:37 AM
>>Is this right?
It was written by the people who designed and support the board, why wouldn't it be right? Try their support forum, not sure the board has heavy usage here.
Have you followed the instructions? Did you have a problem/issue?