2023-08-29 2:22 AM
Hi everyone!
I'm trying to create simple communication beetween devices via USB where Host is STM32 G0B1CEU6 and device is F411E-DISCO.
ON G0 I'm using USB_DRD_FS in HOST_ONLY_FS and HAL_Librery in Comunication Host Class for USB HOST. After i implemented it to the code device could enumerate but just once. Whats more communication was impossible in both ways after enumeration.
What is strange i used same code in opposite situation where F411E-DISCO was HOST and G0 was device. Then everything worked perfectly fine. The only difference beside name (on DISCO USB is called USB_OTG_FS) is this that in F411 by defult Start of frame is Enabled while on G0 there is no option of it and in library code it looks like it is disabled. For a test i turned of SoF for F411 and everything still worked normal.
What can be another difference beetween this 2 MCUs?
When it comes to my code i was recreating one from this toturial: https://controllerstech.com/usb-cdc-device-and-host-in-stm32/
On the way i have't noticed any particular difference in library that was added via Cube IDE to both projects.