2020-07-07 12:51 AM
When I try to upload code to the board through the IDE it says:
Error in final launch sequence:
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: (4) No device found on target.
When I try to connect through ST-LINK it says:
Cannot connect to target
I'm not sure what else I can do
(The code I am trying to upload is just the initial stuff the IDE creates when creating a new project)
2020-07-07 5:29 AM
More detail.
Ever been able to connect?
Did you have a look at https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00629855-getting-started-with-projects-based-on-dualcore-stm32h7-microcontrollers-in-stm32cubeide-stmicroelectronics.pdf ?
I have got an NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q and I was able to connect from IDE connecting to the inbuild debugger.
2020-07-07 5:48 AM
How are you connecting the board to your computer? It has an stlink3 built in just be sure to use the correct usb connector. I just went through connecting one of these with Eclipse and the built in debugger of the first time this morning. After figuring out how to add a new debug configuration for the h745 it works.
2020-07-07 6:18 AM
Try this, i had the same problem with this nucleo board
2020-07-08 5:49 AM
I think they sorted the issue with accidentally bricking the board. My mxrube generated startup code defaulted to simple smps.
Interestingly, dual core debugging with eclipse is pretty simple. No messing with the interaction between 2 debug configs like the other ides. One configuration, just make sure to click to make the stlink shareable and then you can configure which core breaks at main from reset and if one core breaking should halt the other. Not sure why STM buried the instructions for eclipse at the bottom of the doc. There is almost nothing to it.