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Can we set Boot0 in Software?

Associate II


I am working on a project where we have a main board and a header board connected via SPI. We have the ability to update the firmware of the main board over the air but not for the header board. We now have a need to update the firmware of the header board and we are looking at the main board downloading the header board's new firmware over the air and updating the header board's via spi and its built in boot loader. This would mean setting the Header Board's Boot0 pin to high. Unfortunately for us, this was hard wired to ground via a pull down resistor. These boards have been on the field for a few years now and recalling them for a firmware update and/or a hardware re-work would be costly. Is there a way for us to set the Boot0 pin to high via software?

Thank you very much for your help.





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Yes that is correct. Any other way entering the internal bootloader except using the BOOT0 pin on power up will need this implemented in your firmware (or maybe only OTP register changes). If it isn't implemented already, you have to add this feature to your firmware and then get this new firmware on all your header boards (by recalling them or updating out in the field manually).

When this account seems to be inactive, try @tdecker2 - ST can't change mail addresses, so I had to create a new account.

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Depending on the part you can remap the zero address space, and also transfer control to the code in ROM

Some parts will enter the ROM System Loader if the User FLASH is erased.

If you can spare a few KB you could make your own simple loader with your own protocol.

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Thank you very much for your response.

If I understand this correctly, I will have to implement this on the header board's firmware, is that correct? If so, then I think the only thing we can do right now is recall them and implement this for future remote header firmware updates?

Yes that is correct. Any other way entering the internal bootloader except using the BOOT0 pin on power up will need this implemented in your firmware (or maybe only OTP register changes). If it isn't implemented already, you have to add this feature to your firmware and then get this new firmware on all your header boards (by recalling them or updating out in the field manually).

When this account seems to be inactive, try @tdecker2 - ST can't change mail addresses, so I had to create a new account.

Thank you very much.