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Can anyone who has in-depth knowledge about pinout of STM32L476, please verify my design?

Associate II

I've attached the schematic of the MCU. In my application, I'll be using sensors, LoRa, and a PWM output. I have prepared the schematic considering the situation that I'll be able to upload a program to the MCU on board. Please let me know if anything is wrong with this. Your prompt response is going to help me a lot.

Thank you.



What is the best way to solve it, can you please tell me? So that I can upload the program once and it will run throughout time.

If I use an ST-LINK V2, whose pins are as shown as follows.0693W00000FAiyeQAD.jpg 

will it work if I connect the following?

  1. NRST (of MCU) to TRSR (ST-LINK V2)
    1. PA13 to TMS
    2. PA14 to TCK
    3. GND to GND

Aksing you to get confirmation. In this way can I debug and upload the program to MCU instead of a complicated BOOTloader and UART? If so, should I pulldown BOOT0 to the ground?

If I do this, will it add debug functionality and work well? I have connected BOOT0 to GND this time and STLINKV2, 2 pins to MCU's required 2 pins. As per the datasheet, these 2 pins can be sufficient to debug. What is your opinion on this?
