2022-05-03 1:59 PM
Anyone know the whereabouts of a new or used STLINK V3SET programmer tool in North America?
None of the usual disty suspects have any. All are backordered.
No wisecracks, please, about why one needs a programmer/debugger when you can't buy any parts to program. I've heard this before...
2022-05-04 9:01 AM
Perhaps reflect on alternatives? What specific functionality of the ST-LINK/V3SET is critical to your usage?
The CAN, USB and UART protocols are documented, and could be independently implemented.
SWD/JTAG has several pod alternatives including more open solutions, with source, and an ability to test/validate depending on criticality.
The ARM CMSIS-DAP implementation being one to consider.
Commercially there's people like Segger specializing in quality and high speed pods.
What's the bid price for used ST-LINK/V3SET ?