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ST25SDK on VisualStudio + Xamarin

Associate II


I'm developping an application for Android on VisualStudio with Xamarin.

I implemented the ST sdk, interfaces and the « ST driver » Tagdiscovery.

But at the execution, In the « PerformTagDiscovery » into TagDiscovery class, the line « tagInfo.nfcTag = new ST25DVTag(readerInterface, uid); » generate an exception :

Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/apache/commons/lang3/BitField;

I try to implement manually Commons-Lang from apache on VisualStudio, but not possible, there is many and many error ....

Is that a solution ?

Associate II

Mmmh, it is a little bit complicated ... This was a confidential project ...

But I will try to unzip, update and compile it ... If all it's ok, I will clean it, to have a healthy base project.

I realize it's not that simple.

If you can I thank you so much otherwise it doesn't matter. You've already helped me a lot

Associate II

Ok, I reopened my archive. I update it on VS2022 and modern Android SDK. It compile !!!

So, I cleaned the code. Please find zip file joined to this message. My Emulator doesn't run, so ... Compilation is OK, but ... Running on Android could be crash 🙂

Super. Thankyou so much.


Let me know about it 🙂

Project doesn't run but it doesn't matter. I finally discover where i was wrong and now Android works well. I also update to st25sdk 1.10. Now I need to implement it also in iOS. Wish me luck😂

Thankyou again.

App doesn't run but it doesnt matter. Finally found out what I was doing wrong. I also update all libraries to st25sdk1.10. Now I need how to achive same result under iOS, Wish me luck😂.

Thankyou so much again.